Open Source Intelligence
Open Source Intelligence#
What is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)?
Open Source Intelligence, or OSINT, is the process of collecting, analyzing, and using publicly available information to support decision making. This information can come from a variety of sources, including social media, news articles, websites, and more. OSINT is a valuable tool for organizations of all types, as it can provide insights that would otherwise be unavailable.
Free Video Course#
Are you looking for a comprehensive and free course on open-source intelligence? Look no further! This course will give you an introduction to open-source intelligence (OSINT) and its capabilities, as well as provide a deep dive into the various techniques and tools used for successful OSINT collection. You will gain a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of OSINT, including how to locate and use publicly available information to support your investigations. With practical exercises and real-world examples, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the ever-changing world of OSINT.
Chapter 1: Introduction#
This chapter provides an introduction to OSINT. It covers the basics of what OSINT is and why it is important. It also introduces some of the basic concepts and terminology that are used in OSINT. If you are new to OSINT, this is a good place to start.
Chapter 2: Search Engines#
In this chapter, you will learn how to use search engines to find information that can help you with your investigations. You will learn how to use advanced search queries, search engine features, and other techniques to uncover hidden information. This module will provide you with the skills and knowledge to leverage search engines as a powerful tool in your research.
Chapter 4: Multimedia Content#
Multimedia content open source intelligence (OSINT) is a powerful tool for collecting data, analyzing information, and understanding the context of images and audio. By using a variety of techniques, such as keyword searches, image recognition, and audio analysis, multimedia content OSINT can help you uncover hidden insights and gain valuable intelligence. With the right tools and processes in place, you can reveal information that would have otherwise been difficult or impossible to find.
Chapter 5: People and Businesses#
In this module, you will learn how to efficiently use open source intelligence (OSINT) to research people and businesses. You will gain an understanding of the various tools available, as well as how to apply them to gain the most relevant and accurate data. You will also learn best practices for conducting OSINT research in a professional, ethical, and responsible manner.
Chapter 6: Archived and Leaked Data#
In this module, you will learn how to find and access leaked and archived data, how to analyze it, and how to use it to support your OSINT efforts. By the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use archived and leaked data for open source intelligence.
Chapter 7: Geo-Spatial#
Geo-spatial open source intelligence (OSINT) is an increasingly important tool for gathering and analyzing data. With its ability to capture a range of data from both physical and digital sources, geo-spatial OSINT can provide valuable insights into the physical world. In this section of the course, we’ll explore how geo-spatial OSINT is used to track and analyze physical and digital sources, from social media posts to satellite images.
Chapter 8: Online Communities#
Open source intelligence can be used to investigate online communities, such as discussion forums, chat rooms, and social media networks. Some of the popular platforms used by online communities include Telegram and Discord. By using OSINT, investigators can search for posts, photos, and other information that can be used as evidence in a case. Investigators can also use OSINT to monitor the activity of online communities, such as tracking the number of users joining or leaving the platform, and the topics being discussed. With the right tools and techniques, investigators can gain valuable insights into the activities and dynamics of online communities.
Chapter 9: Deep Web and Dark Web#
The Deep Web and Dark Web are parts of the internet that are not indexed by traditional search engines, and as such can be difficult to access. However, these parts of the internet can contain valuable information that can be used for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). To access these parts of the web, specialized search engines and software tools are needed. It is important to note that the Deep Web and Dark Web can contain illegal activity, so it is important to use OSINT methods to collect information responsibly and ethically.
Chapter 10: Reporting#
In this module, you will learn the basics of writing effective OSINT reports, including how to gather the necessary data, organize it, and present it in a clear, concise manner.
Chapter 11: Tools#
This section of the video course focuses on open source intelligence (OSINT) tools. It covers how to use these tools to monitor and analyze online conversations, identify key influencers and trends, and extract valuable insights from online data. It also provides step-by-step guidance on how to use these tools, from setting up accounts and filters to interpreting the results. This section will give viewers the ability to quickly and easily gather data from web sources and social media platforms, allowing them to make informed decisions and uncover valuable information.
Welcome to MCSI’s library of articles on OSINT! Our library of articles covers a wide range of topics related to this form of intelligence and provides valuable insights into how it is used in the real world. Whether you are a security professional, an intelligence officer, or just someone with a curiosity about OSINT, this library of articles has something for everyone.
Geospatial OSINT is the process of collecting and analyzing data from publicly available sources in order to gain insights about a given location. This data can come in the form of satellite imagery, maps, aerial photographs, and even social media posts. By analyzing this data, one can gain a better understanding of the location in question, including its infrastructure, terrain, and even the people who live there. Geospatial OSINT can be a valuable tool for a variety of purposes, such as military intelligence, disaster relief, and law enforcement.
Business OSINT is the process of gathering information from public sources in order to gain insights into business opportunities or threats. This process can be used to gather information about a company’s products, competitors, or even its financial health. By analyzing this information, businesses can make better informed decisions about where to invest their resources. Business OSINT can be a valuable tool for any company, large or small. However, it is important to remember that not all information gathered from public sources is accurate or reliable. When using business OSINT, it is important to verify the accuracy of the information before making any decisions.
There are many OSINT techniques that can be used to investigate people. One common technique is to use public records to find information about a person’s background, including their criminal history, financial history, and other important details. Another popular OSINT technique is to use social media to find information about a person. This can include looking at their posts, their friends, and their activity to get an idea of who they are and what they’re interested in. Finally, another common OSINT technique is to use Google to find information about a person. This can include looking for their name, their address, their phone number, and anything else that might be useful in an investigation.
Email OSINT is a process of using publicly available information to gather intelligence about a target email address. This can include using search engines to find information about the email address, looking up the email address in public databases, and using social media to find information about the owner of the email address. Email OSINT can be a valuable tool for investigations, as it can help to identify the owner of an email address, their location, and their online activity.
Search Engines#
Search engines are a powerful tool for collecting OSINT (open-source intelligence). They can be used to find websites, document repositories, blogs, and other online resources that contain information that can be used for intelligence purposes. Search engines work by indexing the content of web pages and making that content searchable. When a user enters a query into a search engine, the search engine searches its index for web pages that contain the query terms and returns a list of those pages. The most popular search engines, such as Google and Bing, are commercial entities that make money by selling advertising. However, there are also many open-source and non-commercial search engines, such as DuckDuckGo and Yandex.
Images posted on social media contain EXIF data that can be used to extract valuable information, such as the location where the image was taken, the make and model of the camera used, and the date and time the image was taken. Another study found that a large majority of people who use social media also post images of themselves, their friends, and their activities. This provides a rich source of information that can be used to build detailed profiles of individuals and groups.
Domain Names#
Domain names can provide a wealth of information through OSINT techniques. By analyzing the DNS (Domain Name System) records associated with a domain, it is possible to glean a great deal of information about the domain and its owner. DNS records can provide information about the hosting provider for a domain, the IP addresses associated with the domain, and the mail servers associated with the domain. This information can be used to help identify the owner of a domain, as well as the location of the domain’s servers. In addition, through the use of whois lookups, it is possible to obtain contact information for the owner of a domain.
Shodan is a computer search engine that lets users find specific types of devices connected to the internet. It’s commonly used by security researchers to find vulnerable devices and systems. Shodan is different from other search engines like Google and Bing because it doesn’t index websites; instead, it indexes the devices and services that are connected to the internet. This makes it possible to find devices that are running vulnerable software, exposed login pages, and open ports. Shodan is a powerful tool for security researchers and it can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. For example, researchers can use Shodan to find devices that are running outdated software and then work on developing exploits for those devices.
Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital asset that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and to control the creation of new units of the currency. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services. Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new phenomenon and as such, there is a lack of regulation and clarity around them. This lack of regulation has led to some concerns being raised about their use, including their use in illegal activities.
Are you looking to become certified on open-source intelligence? If so, this is the perfect place for you. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the collection and analysis of publicly available information from the internet and other sources to provide insight and understanding into the subject of interest, be it a person, company, or nation. With the right knowledge, you can become an expert in OSINT and make a difference in the security of organizations and individuals.
Certified OSINT Expert#

Social Media#
Social Media OSINT refers to the process of using social media platforms to gather intelligence about individuals or groups. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to monitor potential threats, to gather information about a target, or to track the spread of information. There are a number of different ways to go about Social Media OSINT, but the most common method is to simply search for relevant information on the platform itself. This can be done by looking through public posts, looking at the profiles of individuals or groups, or using search engines to find specific information. Another common method is to use social media monitoring tools, which can help to automate the process of gathering intelligence from social media platforms.
Top 5 OSINT Tools to Fact-check Social Media Content
What is Social Media OSINT
Introduction to LinkedIn Social Media OSINT