How does it work?
How does it work?#
Watch this introduction video to understand the MCSI Method:
The MCSI Method is unique in the following way:
The exercises are real-world tasks
You are not provided the answers
You must use research, critical thinking and troubleshooting to develop the best solution
Your solution is manually reviewed by an expert instructor
The instructor will provide you with personalized feedback to help you improve your skills
Every time you pass an exercise, you receive a certificate and you build a portfolio of demonstrated competencies
Onboarding Video#
Here’s a short video that will give you some important tips about using the MCSI Online Learning Platform:
Useful resources
Create an account or login into the MCSI Online Learning platform here
You can access the MCSI forums on Discord
Read the guidelines for asking great questions below
Our YouTube channel offers hundreds of instructional videos
Submission Procedure#
The following diagram shows the procedure for submitting exercises and receiving expert advice:
The instructors review exercises Monday to Friday. Your submission will usually be reviewed within 1 business day.
MCSI provides guidelines for completing exercises. These guidelines teach students how to meet and exceed industry expectations. The guidelines are clear and concise, and they provide step-by-step instructions for completing each exercise. By following these guidelines, students will be able to complete exercises correctly and efficiently. Additionally, the guidelines will help students to understand the expectations of the industry, and they will be able to apply these expectations to their own work.

Personalized Feedback#
At MCSI, instructors provide personalized feedback to students to help them improve their skills. This feedback helps students identify areas where they need to continue to work and grow. Additionally, the instructors at MCSI are always willing to answer any questions students may have in order to help them better understand the exercises.
It is essential to receive expert advice in order to improve skills. This allows individuals to identify areas in which they need to grow and to receive guidance on how to do so. Furthermore, expert advice can help individuals learn new techniques and strategies that they can use to improve their skills.
The following is an example of feedback we provided to a student: